Tote Bags Favorite Color

What's your favorite tote bag color? There's so many colors to choose from that one can be lost from all the options. Some love orange while others like grayish color. There's the recent rainbow tote colors which looks amazing which you can check it out from my last post. Me in particular like black tote bags since they are easy to clean and looks brand new if I ever spill anything on it. That's why black tote bags are the best since I usually spill things or make things a mess! Ahh, the joy of only using water to clean my black tote bag!

I have been looking at some tote bags lately and see that purple is getting a good following. A lot of designers are making their bags purplish and everyone is going crazy over it. Many popular designers are doing groovy or sparkling purple which is making my eyes dazzle. I feel like having one of those tote bags now! What's your favorite tote bag color?


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